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Druid Hills High School is an International Baccalaureate school located in the Historic Druid Hills neighborhood of Atlanta, Georgia. It serves students from the DeKalb County School District. To learn more about the school, attendance zoning, and much more, please visit the official DHHS website.

Academics. Arts. Athletics.

"To promote and enrich the education and development of ALL Druid Hills High School students."


Druid Hills Education Foundation supports academics, arts and athletics at Druid Hills High School. Learn more about our partner organizations at their websites below. 



The Druid Hills Education Foundation was established in 2022 to promote and enrich the education and development of ALL Druid Hills High School students.


We believe every Druid Hills High School student should have the opportunity to engage in academic and enrichment opportunities to explore their interests,

identify their gifts and develop skills which will set them up for success in school and in life.


Through fundraising efforts, the Druid Hills Education Foundation supports mental health and wellness services, academics through the Druid Hills PTO, arts through the Druid Hills Fine Arts Alliance, and athletics through the Druid Hills Athletic Association.



​​​JOIN US for the 2024-2025 school year! Learn more about board membership here.


Contact us at


Sarah Boelhouwer, President

Amy Crownover, Vice President

Jen Ryan, Secretary

Kelley Basinger, Treasurer​​

Board Members

Alison Cooper

Adrienne Johnson

Tommy Marshall

Rebecca Hadj Taieb

Dr. Michelle Stewart, DHHS Principal, ex-officio​​


The Druid Hills Education Foundation would like to offer its heartfelt thanks to all of the families and community members who helped support the launch of the Foundation in 2022.



Josh & Lacey Andrews


Donna & Mark Bergeson

Bialko-Leeth Family


Blanchard Family

Boelhouwer Family 


Chewning Family


Coffman Family

Terry & Gloria Crawford

Dean & Amy Crownover


Deschênes-Worboy Family 

Druid Hills Civic Association 


Eldridge Family


Becky & David Evans


Fishbein Family


Geddes Family


Lisa & Scott Gordon


Hammersmith Inc./ Warner & Allison McConaughey


Joy Family


Mark & Jennifer Joyner


Kilfeather Family


Matt & Jeannette Knoop


Langdon Family


McMullan Family


Tommy & Ellen Marshall


Marshall, Peggy, Claire & Jamie Orson


Overbey Family


Charlie Rogers & Christina Braisted Rogers


Rozell Family

Tamara Shipley & Jonathan Elmore


Sims Family

JT & Jennifer Singh

Nill and Donna Toulme

Zedd Family

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